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Original Title: L'Empire des anges
ISBN: 2253152072 (ISBN13: 9782253152071)
Edition Language: French
Series: Cycle des Anges #2
Literary Awards: Prix Ozone for Roman fantastique francophone (2001)
Books Download L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2) Free Online
L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 441 pages
Rating: 4.07 | 5316 Users | 133 Reviews

List Containing Books L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2)

Title:L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2)
Author:Bernard Werber
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 441 pages
Published:January 2000 by Le Livre de Poche
Categories:Fiction. Fantasy. Science Fiction. Cultural. France

Representaion Concering Books L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2)

Que pensent les anges de nous ? Que peuvent-ils faire pour nous aider ? Qu'attendent-ils de l'humanité en général ? Lorsque Michael Pinson (stupidement tué dans un accident d'avion percutant un immeuble) a passé avec succès l'épreuve de la « pesée des âmes », il a accédé au royaume des anges. Mais passé le premier émerveillement, il découvre l'ampleur de la tâche.
Le voilà chargé de trois mortels, qu'il devra désormais guider et aider tout au long de leur vie. Ses moyens d'action : les rêves, les signes, les médiums, les intuitions, les chats. Cependant, il est obligé des respecter le libre arbitre des hommes. Il s'aperçoit que ceux-ci essaient de réduire leur malheur au lieu de construire leur bonheur. Que faire pour leur montrer la voie ?
Et puis comment s'occuper intelligemment au Paradis, un endroit bien sympathique mais sans cinéma, sans musique, sans restaurant ?
Après Les Thanatonautes, Bernard Werber nous donne une fois de plus à réfléchir sur notre statut d'être humain, en mélangeant sagesse ancienne, philosophie moderne et humour. En suivant l'initiation d'un ange, on découvre une perspective étonnante à notre état de simple mortel.

Rating Containing Books L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2)
Ratings: 4.07 From 5316 Users | 133 Reviews

Discuss Containing Books L'Empire des anges (Cycle des Anges #2)
With those people , (myself included) who believe that the Universe is communicating with us and that all coincidences are not coincidental,this book will definitely resonate. Really enjoyed the premise. The execution is just as good, apart from a few minor moments (sometimes the pace breaks a bit; the earth parts were more engaging than the celestial ones, for my liking). Overall, that was a compelling read.

I randomly picked that book up from the sale section in my local supermarket and simply got hooked.It made me believe in a whole entire after-life world and got me intrigued.It was my first Bernard Werber's novel and cetrainly not my last. My favorite French author by a mile.Just loved the entire "angel" and "gods" series.

While reading this book you autimatically start believing in his idea of the world organization and in parallel worlds existence. Nice, very nice. A real godsend for those who love fantasy books! Enjoy guys :)

I was really a fan of this book during teenage years. Re-reading it completely ruined expirience for me. Fictional world is built on rules that author breaks just for the sake of "keeping friends together". Speaking of "angel beings" author sticks to human perception of the world, what looks primitive and far-fetched. Traveling sequences are boring and skipable.And especially stupid are battle mechanics in angel world - it's just silly.I think it's better to stay away from those series unless

Incredible book. Just turn on your imagination to feel in heaven ❤❤🧘🧘

Compared to Les Thanatonautes, It wasn't that good and it's kind of slow, following three people over and over.I found it kind of boring at some point. BUT you have to read it for the sake of completion of the series!

4 for the inconsistances due to 1 volume, overall a way better book then the first, this one actually felt like it had a plot and a direction. The characters could be better, but with his style of writting I don't think he can make a complex character

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